Monday 9 February 2015

One Month Later

4 weeks have past. Not bad, I say to myself, regarding the conditions: I have started some intensive german lessons - "finally" may say some of you who know me, and maybe you have just a little bit of right to. It's fun, it's nice to meet people from allover the world. But the impatience that I have for a ruined drawing day is stronger. I have school for 4 hours every working day, in the afternoon. Not enough time do start something in the morning, but enough time to be annoyed in the evening that when you are finally in the drawing mood you have to do some homework or sleep, not to be a shipwreck the next day. I don't like to work half days. It's not enough time for me but to cumulate frustration. So for now I moved my drawing comic days in the weekends (and that's so not enough) and keep the rest of the week for hanging out with my girl, friends or whatever. Like reading some comics.

I do comics, but I'm not a comic reader. I read only a small bunch during my life - 20? maybe 30 if I'm generous. At the beginning because of a lack of material - finding comics during my childhood and teen time (my early 20's), in a country where even the term comics is rapt in mystery, was a mission impossible even for a Tom. So was hard to actually grow attached to the medium. After that because of a lack of money and now because a lack of time. 

My inspiration for drawing and doing comics came from various other fields, which makes me feel a little vulnerable and uncomfortable when I have to talk about the comic market or his history. I was having a conversation some years ago with Luke Herr, while we were collaborating for the webcomic/wanting to be printed "Socialfist", and in the discussion he came with the name of Rob Liefeld. "Who's that?" I've asked. And Luke lough a little bit, thinking I'm a cool, ice cold hearted guy... 

There's a continuation of this story, but fuck! Guess what? School time! I don't even have a decent time to write a few words on my blog. The frustration's coming back! School it's not going to last forever though, but for now it does feel like it.

So, here's another X-men Classic illustration, inspired buy the second original x-man issue. We have a Marvel Girl vs. the Vanisher which has I suppose the worst superhero costume design. Like ever. Hope you enjoy it!

Monday 12 January 2015


It's not my first blog, oh no. I have several others, one older then another, and yet one after another forgotten. I don't even remember their titles or the associated e-mail accounts (and man, these ones I have plenty). What was it missing, that they didn't live much? My enthusiasm? The time to spare? Material - meaning my drawings to sustain the blog? Oh no, for sure not the drawings are the problem. Those are plenty. By day, more and more.

I think what I missed was a vision. A vision of a future where all of these will actually build the bridge into my artistic career. I have alway draw for the simple fact that I like it, that I need it, just for me not for somebody else. And this way of thinking and acting sent me to the deepest financial disaster so far. But I'll keep the details for another post, maybe.

So what's new this time, I ask myself? 

I know quite a bunch of my friends who are making check lists for the new year. Things to accomplish. I was always teasing them about it, me always living the moment, no plans for the future, not even for the next day. But now I think that maybe this is the missing link.

So on my check list this year are some important aspects regarding my art that I have to deal with.

One: stop drawing just for myself - spread my art, let the people know, I'm sure some will enjoy it. I think the lack of it is the main reason why my debut comic "The end times of Bram and Ben", although critically acclaimed and almost awarded, was financially a disaster. I kept this project so safe that, after a non stop working of two years, when it was published in 2013 and compiled into a TPB in 2014, nobody knew about it! So this is why this blog, of which I hope I will not forget tomorrow morning.

Two: start drawing illustrations in bulks, meaning making series - maybe even for some exhibitions, why not? I have to focus on this one. Really hard! Usually I bump into a great idea for a series. I do one piece. I say: it's great! it will be a success. The next day, I wake up with another kind of idea - different theme, different style, different techniques. And this in the end becomes a thick, frustrating mess playing with my brain.

Three: keep it up with the main independent comic, but in the meantime build up a portfolio for the big comic market. Still wondering if the big names are what I actually want. This is why the illustration today, actually my morning sketch.

So guys, whoever you'll be, be sure to remind me from time to time which are the main three goals of the year.

And yes, welcome to my blog!

And yes, please do forgive my bad english and my bad skills at playing with words. It's not why I'm build for.